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useBox is a React hook that bridges the Box abstraction from F-Box with React’s ecosystem. It allows you to work with encapsulated values in a functional and React-friendly way.

The useBox hook simplifies managing static or derived values in React components. By integrating the Box abstraction, it ensures immutability and composability while maintaining React’s declarative nature.

Key Features

  • Integration with Box: Access and transform Box values directly in React components.
  • Memoization: Avoid unnecessary computations with dependency-based reactivity.
  • Type Safety: Enjoy strong TypeScript support for predictable and error-free usage.

Creating a useBox Hook

To use useBox, pass either a static value, a Box instance, or a function that returns a value or Box.


import React from "react"
import { useBox } from "f-box-react"
const Counter = () => {
const [count, countBox] = useBox(0)
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={() => console.log(countBox.getValue())}>
Log Count

Supported Patterns

Static Values

You can pass a static value to initialize the Box.

const [value, box] = useBox(10)
console.log(value) // Outputs: 10
console.log(box.getValue()) // Outputs: 10

Derived Values

Use a function to derive the Box value dynamically.

const [derivedValue, derivedBox] = useBox(() =>
Box.pack(10)["<$>"]((x) => x * 2)
console.log(derivedValue) // Outputs: 20
console.log(derivedBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20

Using an Existing Box

If you already have a Box, pass it directly to useBox.

import { Box } from "f-box-core"
const globalBox = Box.pack(100)
const Component = () => {
const [value] = useBox(globalBox)
return <p>Value: {value}</p>

API Methods


useBox<T>(source: T | Box<T> | (() => T | Box<T>), deps?: React.DependencyList): [T, Box<T>]

Creates a Box and returns its value along with the Box instance.


  • source:
    • A static value, a Box instance, or a function returning a value or Box.
  • deps:
    • A dependency array for memoization. The Box is recomputed when dependencies change.


  • value:
    • The current value encapsulated in the Box.
  • box:
    • The Box instance itself.

Use Cases

Using Box for Static Configurations

useBox is ideal for managing global or static configurations that do not require frequent updates.

const configBox = Box.pack({ darkMode: true, language: "en" })
const ConfigDisplay = () => {
const [config] = useBox(configBox)
return <p>Dark Mode: {config.darkMode ? "On" : "Off"}</p>

Deriving Component-Specific Values

Customize a global Box for component-specific behavior.

const themeBox = Box.pack({ fontSize: 14, color: "blue" })
const ThemedComponent = () => {
const [theme] = useBox(() =>
themeBox["<$>"]((theme) => ({
color: "red", // Override color for this component
return <p style={{ color: theme.color }}>Themed Text</p>

Why Use useBox?

The useBox hook is a lightweight way to integrate functional programming with React. It allows you to encapsulate, transform, and reuse values across components while adhering to React’s declarative principles.

Next Steps

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