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Maybe is an abstraction in F-Box that encapsulates an optional value. It provides methods to handle presence (Just) and absence (Nothing) of values in a type-safe and composable manner.

The Maybe abstraction helps you handle values that might be absent (e.g., null or undefined). By distinguishing between Just (a value is present) and Nothing (no value), Maybe avoids common pitfalls associated with nullish values.

Key Features

  • Encapsulation: Wraps a value to provide a controlled interface for interactions.
  • Safety: Ensures null-safe handling of optional values.
  • Composability: Provides operators and methods for functional transformations.
  • Extended Operators: Includes specialized operators like <?> and <|> for handling optional values.

Just and Nothing

The Maybe type has two specific forms:


Represents a Maybe with a present value. It provides methods and operators to manipulate the value safely.


const justValue = Maybe.just(42)
console.log(justValue.getValue()) // Outputs: 42

Key Characteristics

  • Contains a value of type T.
  • Allows transformations using methods like map, flatMap, and apply.


Represents a Maybe with no value. It provides a consistent interface, but its methods and operators return itself or default values.


const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
console.log(nothingValue.getValue()) // Outputs: null

Key Characteristics

  • Encapsulates absence (null, undefined, or void).
  • Safely propagates the absence through methods like map, flatMap, and apply.

Creating a Maybe

To create a Maybe, use the static method Maybe.pack. Depending on the input, it will return either a Just or Nothing.


import { Maybe } from "f-box-core"
// Create a Maybe with a present value
const justValue = Maybe.pack(42)
console.log(justValue.getValue()) // Outputs: 42
// Create a Maybe with an absent value
const nothingValue = Maybe.pack(null)
console.log(nothingValue.getValue()) // Outputs: null

This demonstrates how to:

  • Create a Just when a value is present.
  • Create a Nothing when a value is absent.

Supported Operators

The Maybe abstraction provides the following operators for working with its encapsulated value. Each operator is an alias for a corresponding method.

  • <$>: Alias for map. Applies a transformation function to the value.
  • <*>: Alias for apply. Combines a function in a Maybe with a value in another Maybe.
  • >>=: Alias for flatMap. Chains computations that return new Maybe instances.
  • <?>: Alias for orElse. Returns the current Maybe if present, or a default Maybe if absent.
  • <|>: Alias for getOrElse. Returns the encapsulated value if present, or a default value if absent.

For detailed usage, see API Methods.

API Methods


Maybe.pack<T>(value: T | None): Maybe<T>

Creates a new Maybe instance based on the given value. Returns a Just for present values or Nothing for nullish values.

const justValue = Maybe.pack(42)
console.log(justValue.getValue()) // Outputs: 42
const nothingValue = Maybe.pack(null)
console.log(nothingValue.getValue()) // Outputs: null


Maybe.just<T>(value: T): Just<T>

Creates a Just instance encapsulating the given value.

const justValue = Maybe.just(42)
console.log(justValue.getValue()) // Outputs: 42


Maybe.nothing(): Nothing

Returns the singleton instance representing a Nothing value.

const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
console.log(nothingValue.getValue()) // Outputs: null


Maybe.isNone(value: any): boolean

Checks if a given value is None (i.e., null, undefined, or void).

console.log(Maybe.isNone(null)) // Outputs: true
console.log(Maybe.isNone(42)) // Outputs: false


Maybe.isMaybe(value: any): boolean

Checks if a given value is a Maybe.

const maybeValue = Maybe.pack(42)
console.log(Maybe.isMaybe(maybeValue)) // Outputs: true
console.log(Maybe.isMaybe(42)) // Outputs: false


Maybe.isNothing(value: Maybe<T>): boolean

Checks if a given Maybe is a Nothing.

const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
console.log(Maybe.isNothing(nothingValue)) // Outputs: true


Maybe.isJust(value: Maybe<T>): boolean

Checks if a given Maybe is a Just.

const justValue = Maybe.just(42)
console.log(Maybe.isJust(justValue)) // Outputs: true


map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): Maybe<U>

Applies a transformation function to the encapsulated value, returning a new Maybe.

Alias: <$>

const justValue = Maybe.just(10)
const transformed = justValue["<$>"]((x) => x * 2)
console.log(transformed.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const transformed = => x * 2)
console.log(transformed.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


apply<A, B>(this: Maybe<(a: A) => B>, boxValue: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>

Applies a function wrapped in one Maybe to a value wrapped in another Maybe.

Alias: <*>

const maybeFn = Maybe.just((x: number) => x + 5)
const maybeValue = Maybe.just(10)
const result = maybeFn["<*>"](maybeValue)
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 15
// Method call
const result = maybeFn.apply(maybeValue)
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 15


flatMap<U>(fn: (value: T) => Maybe<U>): Maybe<U>

Applies a function returning a Maybe to the value inside this Maybe and flattens the result.

Alias: >>=

const justValue = Maybe.just(10)
const transformed = justValue[">>="]((x) => Maybe.just(x * 2))
console.log(transformed.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const transformed = justValue.flatMap((x) => Maybe.just(x * 2))
console.log(transformed.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


orElse(defaultValue: Maybe<T>): Maybe<T>

Returns the current Maybe if it is a Just, or the given default Maybe if it is a Nothing.

Alias: <?>

const justValue = Maybe.just(10)
const result = justValue["<?>"](Maybe.just(20))
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 10
const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
const fallback = nothingValue["<?>"](Maybe.just(20))
console.log(fallback.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const justValue = Maybe.just(10)
const result = justValue.orElse(Maybe.just(20))
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 10
const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
const fallback = nothingValue.orElse(Maybe.just(20))
console.log(fallback.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


getOrElse(defaultValue: T): T

Returns the value inside the Maybe if present, or the provided default value if it is a Nothing.

Alias: <|>

const justValue = Maybe.just(10)
const result = justValue["<|>"](20)
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 10
const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
const fallback = nothingValue["<|>"](20)
console.log(fallback.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const justValue = Maybe.just(10)
const result = justValue.getOrElse(20)
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 10
const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
const fallback = nothingValue.getOrElse(20)
console.log(fallback.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


match<U>(onJust: (value: T) => U, onNothing: () => U): U

Matches the current Maybe instance against the Just or Nothing cases and applies the corresponding function.

const justValue = Maybe.just(42)
const result = justValue.match(
(value) => `Value is ${value}`,
() => "No value"
console.log(result) // Outputs: Value is 42
const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
const fallback = nothingValue.match(
(value) => `Value is ${value}`,
() => "No value"
console.log(fallback) // Outputs: No value

Just and Nothing Types

Maybe is a discriminated union type composed of two specific variants: Just and Nothing. These types are used to encapsulate values or represent the absence of a value in a functional and type-safe way.


A Just represents a Maybe instance that encapsulates a present, non-null value. It provides methods for mapping, chaining, and safely accessing the encapsulated value.


A Nothing represents a Maybe instance that encapsulates the absence of a value. All operations on a Nothing result in a Nothing, ensuring safe handling of optional values.

const justValue = Maybe.just(42)
console.log(justValue.getValue()) // Outputs: 42
const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
console.log(nothingValue.getOrElse(0)) // Outputs: 0

Use Cases

Transforming Optional Values

Apply a series of transformations to encapsulated values:

const justValue = Maybe.pack(100)
["<$>"]((x) => x / 2)
["<$>"]((x) => x + 10)
console.log(justValue.getValue()) // Outputs: 60

Fallback for Missing Values

Provide a default value when a value is missing:

const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
const fallback = nothingValue["<?>"](Maybe.just(50))
console.log(fallback.getValue()) // Outputs: 50

Combining Optional Values

Combine multiple Maybe instances using the <*> operator:

const result = Maybe.just((a: number) => (b: number) => a + b)
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 30

Matching on Presence and Absence

Handle Just and Nothing cases explicitly with match:

const justValue = Maybe.just(42)
const result = justValue.match(
(value) => `Value is ${value}`,
() => "No value"
console.log(result) // Outputs: Value is 42
const nothingValue = Maybe.nothing()
const fallback = nothingValue.match(
(value) => `Value is ${value}`,
() => "No value"
console.log(fallback) // Outputs: No value

Why Use Maybe?

The Maybe abstraction provides a consistent and type-safe way to handle optional values, avoiding pitfalls like null dereferencing. Its functional interface and composable methods make it ideal for working with uncertain data.

Next Steps

Explore other abstractions built on Maybe:

  • Box: A foundational abstraction for encapsulating values.
  • RBox: A reactive extension of Box.
  • Either: Represents computations with success or failure.
  • Task: Manages asynchronous workflows.