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Box is a foundational abstraction in F-Box. It encapsulates a single value and provides a functional interface for transforming, combining, and chaining operations.

The Box abstraction simplifies handling values in a functional programming style. It ensures immutability and composability, making it ideal for scenarios requiring predictable and side-effect-free operations.

Key Features

  • Encapsulation: Wraps a value to provide a controlled interface for interactions.
  • Immutability: Operations do not alter the original value but produce new Box instances.

Creating a Box

To create a Box, use the static method Box.pack. This method initializes a Box instance with a given value.

import { Box } from "f-box-core"
const box = Box.pack(42)
console.log(box.getValue()) // Outputs: 42

Supported Operators

The Box abstraction provides the following operators for working with its encapsulated value. Each operator is an alias for a corresponding method.

  • <$>: Alias for map. Applies a transformation function to the value.
  • <*>: Alias for apply. Combines a function in a Box with a value in another Box.
  • >>=: Alias for flatMap. Chains computations that return new Box instances.

For detailed usage, see API Methods.

API Methods


Box.pack(value: T): Box<T>

Creates a new Box instance containing the provided value.

const box = Box.pack(42)
console.log(box.getValue()) // Outputs: 42


Box.isBox(value: any): boolean

Checks if a given value is a Box instance.

import { Box } from "f-box-core"
const box = Box.pack(10)
console.log(Box.isBox(box)) // Outputs: true
console.log(Box.isBox({})) // Outputs: false


map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): Box<U>

Applies a transformation function to the encapsulated value, returning a new Box with the result.

Alias: <$>

const box = Box.pack(10)
const transformedBox = box["<$>"]((x) => x * 2)
console.log(transformedBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const transformedBox = => x * 2)
console.log(transformedBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


apply<A, B>(this: Box<(a: A) => B>, boxValue: Box<A>): Box<B>

Applies a function wrapped in one Box to a value wrapped in another Box.

Alias: <*>

const boxFn = Box.pack((x: number) => x + 5)
const boxValue = Box.pack(10)
const resultBox = boxFn["<*>"](boxValue)
console.log(resultBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 15
// Method call
const resultBox = boxFn.apply(boxValue)
console.log(resultBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 15


flatMap<U>(fn: (value: T) => Box<U>): Box<U>

Applies a function returning a Box to the value inside this Box and flattens the result.

Alias: >>=

const box = Box.pack(10)
const chainedBox = box[">>="]((x) => Box.pack(x * 2))
console.log(chainedBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const chainedBox = box.flatMap((x) => Box.pack(x * 2))
console.log(chainedBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


getValue(): T

Retrieves the value encapsulated in the Box.

const box = Box.pack(10)
console.log(box.getValue()) // Outputs: 10

Use Cases

Transforming Values

Apply a series of transformations to encapsulated values:

const box = Box.pack(100)
["<$>"]((x) => x / 2)
["<$>"]((x) => x + 10)
console.log(box.getValue()) // Outputs: 60

Applicative Style

Combine multiple Box instances using the <*> operator. The function used in this example is curried to enable step-by-step application.

// Pack a curried function
const box = Box.pack((a: number) => (b: number) => a + b)
console.log(box.getValue()) // Outputs: 30

Composing Functions

Chain multiple operations into a pipeline:

const box = Box.pack(10)
[">>="]((x) => Box.pack(x * 2))
[">>="]((x) => Box.pack(x + 5))
console.log(box.getValue()) // Outputs: 25

Why Use Box?

The Box abstraction is a lightweight and intuitive tool for functional programming. Its operators and methods provide consistency across all of F-Box’s abstractions, ensuring seamless integration and predictable behavior.

Next Steps

Explore other abstractions built on Box:

  • RBox: A reactive state container based on Box.
  • Maybe: A container for optional values.
  • Either: Encapsulates computations with success or failure.
  • Task: Handles asynchronous workflows.