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useRBox Guide

useRBox is a powerful React hook provided by F-Box that simplifies reactive state management. By integrating the RBox abstraction with React’s lifecycle, useRBox enables seamless handling of dynamic and dependent states with a declarative approach.

Why Choose useRBox?

useRBox is optimized for reactive and dynamic states that change based on user interactions or external events. It ensures:

  • Automatic state synchronization across components.
  • Declarative dependency management using operators like <$> and <*>.
  • Type-safe reactivity with strong TypeScript support.
  • Integration with React’s useSyncExternalStore for efficient updates.

For static or immutable states, consider using useBox instead.

Key Benefits of useRBox

  1. Reactive State Synchronization: Automatically updates components when state changes.
  2. Declarative Dependencies: Use functional operators to manage dependencies and transformations.
  3. Global and Local State: Manage both shared state and component-specific state with ease.
  4. Integration with F-Box: Combine useRBox with other F-Box abstractions like Task and Either for advanced use cases.

Practical Use Cases

1. Managing Reactive State

Use useRBox to manage state that reacts to user interactions or external events.

Code Example

import { useRBox, set } from "f-box-react"
function Counter() {
const [count, countBox] = useRBox(0)
const setCount = set(countBox)
return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count - 1)}>Decrement</button>
export default Counter


  • countBox acts as a reactive state encapsulating the count value.
  • The set function, which is curried, updates the value reactively.
  • Components using useRBox automatically re-render when the state changes.

2. Derived Reactive State

Create derived states using the map operator <$> to transform RBox values.

Code Example

import { useRBox, set } from "f-box-react"
function DerivedStateExample() {
const [base, baseBox] = useRBox(10)
const setBase = set(baseBox)
const [double] = useRBox(() => baseBox["<$>"]((x) => x * 2))
const [triple] = useRBox(() => baseBox["<$>"]((x) => x * 3))
return (
<p>Base: {base}</p>
<p>Double: {double}</p>
<p>Triple: {triple}</p>
<button onClick={() => setBase(base + 1)}>Base Increment</button>
export default DerivedStateExample


  • baseBox holds the base value.
  • Derived states double and triple are computed reactively using the <$> operator.
  • Any change to baseBox propagates automatically to derived states.

3. Combining Reactive States

Combine multiple RBox instances using <*> to create complex derived states.

Code Example

import { RBox } from "f-box-core"
import { useRBox, set } from "f-box-react"
function CombinedStateExample() {
const [x, xBox] = useRBox(5)
const [y, yBox] = useRBox(10)
const setX = set(xBox)
const setY = set(yBox)
const [sum] = useRBox(() =>
RBox.pack((a: number) => (b: number) => a + b)
return (
<p>X: {x}</p>
<p>Y: {y}</p>
<p>Sum: {sum}</p>
<button onClick={() => setX(x + 1)}>X Increment</button>
<button onClick={() => setY(y + 1)}>Y Increment</button>
export default CombinedStateExample


  • xBox and yBox encapsulate independent reactive values.
  • A curried addition function (a) => (b) => a + b is combined with the two RBox values using <*>.
  • Changes to either xBox or yBox automatically trigger an update to sum.

4. Combining Task.tryCatch and Either for Error Handling

Handle asynchronous tasks and errors declaratively with Task.tryCatch and Either.

Code Example

import { useRBox, set } from "f-box-react"
import { Task, Either } from "f-box-core"
export type Data = { id: number; body: string }
function fetchDataTask() {
return Task.tryCatch(
() =>
.then((res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch data")
return res.json()
.then((data) => Either.right(data)),
(error) => Either.left(error.message)
function DataFetcher() {
const [data, dataBox] = useRBox(() => Either.left("Loading..."))
const setData = set(dataBox)
const loadData = () => fetchDataTask().run().then(setData)
return (
<button onClick={loadData}>Load Data</button>
(error) => (
<p>Error: {error}</p>
(data) => (
<p>Data: {JSON.stringify(data)}</p>
export default DataFetcher


  • Task.tryCatch wraps asynchronous operations and gracefully handles errors.
  • Successful results are wrapped in Either.right, while errors are wrapped in Either.left.
  • Changes in dataBox automatically propagate to the component using useRBox.

5. Global Reactive State Management

Use useRBox to manage dynamic global state, such as themes and user settings, across an entire application.

Code Example

import { RBox } from "f-box-core"
// Define global states
export const themeBox = RBox.pack("light")
export const settingsBox = RBox.pack({
language: "en",
notificationsEnabled: true,
import { useRBox, set } from "f-box-react"
import { themeBox } from "./globalState"
function ThemeToggle() {
const [theme] = useRBox(themeBox)
const setTheme = set(themeBox)
const toggleTheme = () => setTheme(theme === "light" ? "dark" : "light")
return (
<p>Current Theme: {theme}</p>
<button onClick={toggleTheme}>
Switch to {theme === "light" ? "Dark" : "Light"} Mode
export default ThemeToggle
import { useRBox, set } from "f-box-react"
import { settingsBox } from "./globalState"
function SettingsManager() {
const [settings] = useRBox(settingsBox)
const setSettings = set(settingsBox)
const toggleNotifications = () =>
notificationsEnabled: !settings.notificationsEnabled,
const changeLanguage = (lang: string) =>
setSettings({ ...settings, language: lang })
return (
<h2>App Settings</h2>
<p>Language: {settings.language}</p>
<button onClick={() => changeLanguage("en")}>English</button>
<button onClick={() => changeLanguage("ja")}>日本語</button>
Notifications: {settings.notificationsEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"}
<button onClick={toggleNotifications}>
{settings.notificationsEnabled ? "Disable" : "Enable"} Notifications
export default SettingsManager
import React from "react"
import ThemeToggle from "./ThemeToggle"
import SettingsManager from "./SettingsManager"
function App() {
return (
<h1>Global State Management with useRBox</h1>
<ThemeToggle />
<SettingsManager />
export default App


  1. Centralized State:

    • themeBox and settingsBox are defined as global RBox instances.
    • These states are shared across the application and accessed via useRBox.
  2. Reactive Updates:

    • Components use useRBox to consume and update global states reactively.
    • Any updates using set are propagated to all dependent components automatically.
  3. Separation of Concerns:

    • State definitions are centralized in a globalState.ts file.
    • UI components like ThemeToggle and SettingsManager are clean and focused only on rendering and interacting with the states.
  4. Practical Use:

    • ThemeToggle: Switches between light and dark modes globally.
    • SettingsManager: Manages user preferences like language and notification settings.

Best Practices

  1. Focus on Reactive State: Use useRBox for dynamic states that require reactivity and real-time updates. For purely static values, use useBox.

  2. Leverage Functional Operators: Use <$> for state transformations and <*> for combining states. These operators provide a clean, composable way to manage derived states.

  3. Centralize Shared State: Place global RBox states in a dedicated file (e.g., globalState.ts) for consistency and modularity.

  4. Avoid Direct Mutations: Use the curried set function to update RBox values, ensuring immutability and predictable updates.

  5. Error Handling with Either: Pair useRBox with Either for declarative handling of success and error states, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations.

  6. Split Large States: Avoid combining unrelated states into a single RBox. Instead, split large state objects into smaller, logical parts for better performance and maintainability.

  7. Decouple Components: Keep components focused on rendering and interaction. State logic and management should be handled outside the UI components.

Common Pitfalls

  1. Overusing Dependency Arrays: Avoid manually managing deps (dependency arrays) in useRBox. Instead, use functional operators like <$> and <*> to express dependencies declaratively.

  2. Duplicating Global State: Do not create multiple instances of the same global RBox. Always import the shared state from a single source.

  3. Mutating Values Directly: Avoid directly mutating values inside an RBox. Use set or other functional transformations to update values reactively.

  4. Overloading State: Avoid combining too many unrelated values into one RBox. It makes the state harder to manage and can cause unnecessary re-renders.

  5. Ignoring Cleanup: While useRBox automatically handles subscriptions, ensure you clean up manually when directly using RBox.subscribe.


useRBox is a powerful and declarative solution for managing reactive and dynamic state in React applications. By leveraging F-Box’s functional programming features, such as composable operators and strong immutability guarantees, developers can build clean, scalable, and maintainable components. Whether you are managing complex dependencies, derived states, or global reactivity, useRBox seamlessly integrates into your React projects to enhance state management.

Next Steps

Explore related guides and references to deepen your understanding of F-Box:

  • useBox Guide: Manage static and derived state efficiently using useBox.
  • useRBoxForm Guide: Simplify form handling and validation with useRBoxForm.