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RBox is a reactive abstraction in F-Box. It encapsulates a single value, supports reactive updates, and provides a functional interface for transforming, combining, and chaining operations.

The RBox abstraction extends the functionality of Box by introducing reactivity. It allows you to subscribe to updates, propagate changes to derived RBox instances, and manage dependencies.

Key Features

  • Reactivity: Automatically updates derived RBox instances when the original value changes.
  • Encapsulation: Wraps a value to provide a controlled interface for interactions.

Creating an RBox

To create an RBox, use the static method RBox.pack. This method initializes an RBox instance with a given value. Additionally, you can subscribe to value changes to observe updates in real-time.


import { RBox } from "f-box-core"
// Create an RBox with an initial value
const rbox = RBox.pack(42)
console.log(rbox.getValue()) // Outputs: 42
// Subscribe to changes
const subscriptionKey = rbox.subscribe((value) => {
console.log(`Updated value: ${value}`)
// Update the value
rbox.setValue((x) => x + 10) // Logs: Updated value: 52
// Unsubscribe from updates
rbox.setValue((x) => x * 2) // No logs, as subscription is removed
// Get the current value
console.log(rbox.getValue()) // Outputs: 104

This demonstrates how to:

  • Create an RBox.
  • Subscribe to value changes.
  • Update the value reactively.
  • Unsubscribe from updates when no longer needed.

Supported Operators

The RBox abstraction provides the following operators for working with its encapsulated value. Each operator is an alias for a corresponding method.

  • <$>: Alias for map. Applies a transformation function to the value.
  • <*>: Alias for apply. Combines a function in an RBox with a value in another RBox.
  • >>=: Alias for flatMap. Chains computations that return new RBox instances.

For detailed usage, see API Methods.

API Methods


RBox.pack(value: T): RBox<T>

Creates a new RBox instance containing the provided value.

const rbox = RBox.pack(42)
console.log(rbox.getValue()) // Outputs: 42


RBox.isRBox(value: any): boolean

Checks if a given value is an RBox instance.

import { RBox } from "f-box-core"
const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
console.log(RBox.isRBox(rbox)) // Outputs: true
console.log(RBox.isRBox({})) // Outputs: false


getValue(): T

Retrieves the value encapsulated in the RBox.

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
console.log(rbox.getValue()) // Outputs: 10


setValue(fn: (value: T) => T): void

Updates the value inside the RBox and notifies all subscribers.

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
rbox.setValue((x) => x * 2)
console.log(rbox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): RBox<U>

Applies a transformation function to the encapsulated value, returning a new derived RBox.

Alias: <$>

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
const derivedRBox = rbox["<$>"]((x) => x * 2)
console.log(derivedRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const derivedRBox = => x * 2)
console.log(derivedRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


apply<A, B>(this: RBox<(a: A) => B>, boxValue: RBox<A>): RBox<B>

Applies a function wrapped in one RBox to a value wrapped in another RBox.

Alias: <*>

const rboxFn = RBox.pack((x: number) => x + 5)
const rboxValue = RBox.pack(10)
const resultRBox = rboxFn["<*>"](rboxValue)
console.log(resultRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 15
// Method call
const resultRBox = rboxFn.apply(rboxValue)
console.log(resultRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 15


flatMap<U>(fn: (value: T) => RBox<U>): RBox<U>

Applies a function returning an RBox to the value inside this RBox and flattens the result.

Alias: >>=

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
const derivedRBox = rbox[">>="]((x) => RBox.pack(x * 2))
console.log(derivedRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const derivedRBox = rbox.flatMap((x) => RBox.pack(x * 2))
console.log(derivedRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20


subscribe(observer: Observer<T>): string

Subscribes to updates of the RBox value.

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
const key = rbox.subscribe((value) => {
console.log(`Updated value: ${value}`)
rbox.setValue((x) => x + 5) // Logs: Updated value: 15


unsubscribe(key: string): void

Unsubscribes from updates using the subscription key.

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
const key = rbox.subscribe((value) => {
console.log(`Updated value: ${value}`)
rbox.setValue((x) => x + 5) // No logs


unsubscribeAll(): void

Unsubscribes all observers from the RBox.

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
rbox.subscribe((value) => console.log(`Observer 1: ${value}`))
rbox.subscribe((value) => console.log(`Observer 2: ${value}`))
rbox.setValue((x) => x + 5) // No logs


detach(): void

Detaches the RBox from all dependencies and stops updates to derived RBox instances.

const rbox = RBox.pack(10)
const derivedRBox = => x * 2)
rbox.setValue((x) => x + 5)
console.log(derivedRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 20 (unchanged)

Use Cases

Reactive Transformations

Automatically update derived RBox values when the original changes:

const rbox = RBox.pack(100)
const derivedRBox = rbox["<$>"]((x) => x / 2)
rbox.setValue((x) => x + 50)
console.log(derivedRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 75

Learn more about how map enables reactive transformations.

Combining RBoxes

Combine multiple RBox instances using the <*> operator:

const result = RBox.pack((a: number) => (b: number) => a + b)
console.log(result.getValue()) // Outputs: 30

Explore the apply method for combining RBox instances.

Chaining Reactive Updates

Chain multiple reactive updates into a pipeline:

const chainedRBox = RBox.pack(10)
[">>="]((x) => RBox.pack(x * 2))
[">>="]((x) => RBox.pack(x + 5))
console.log(chainedRBox.getValue()) // Outputs: 25

Discover how flatMap simplifies chaining reactive updates.

Why Use RBox?

The RBox abstraction provides a robust way to manage reactive state with minimal boilerplate. Its reactivity and functional interface make it an ideal tool for scenarios requiring dynamic updates and efficient state propagation.

Next Steps

Explore other abstractions built on Box and RBox:

  • Box: The foundational abstraction for encapsulating values.
  • Maybe: A container for optional values.
  • Either: Encapsulates computations with success or failure.
  • Task: Handles asynchronous workflows.