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Task is an abstraction in F-Box that represents asynchronous computations. It encapsulates functions returning promises, enabling composable and error-safe asynchronous workflows.

The Task abstraction simplifies the management of asynchronous code, offering a functional interface for transforming, chaining, and handling errors in computations.

Key Features

  • Encapsulation: Wraps asynchronous computations into a Task object.
  • Composability: Provides operators and methods (map, flatMap, apply) for chaining computations.
  • Error Handling: Includes utilities like tryCatch and tryTask for managing errors.
  • Functional Interface: Adheres to functional programming principles, ensuring immutability and composability.

Creating a Task

The Task abstraction provides multiple ways to create tasks:

  • From a Promise: Use Task.from to encapsulate a promise.
  • From a Value: Use Task.pack to lift a value into a resolved Task.
  • Error Handling: Use Task.tryCatch to create a Task with custom error recovery logic.


import { Task } from "f-box-core"
// Create a Task from a Promise
const fetchData = Task.from(() => fetch("/data").then((res) => res.json()))
// Create a Task from a Value
const valueTask = Task.pack(42)
// Handle errors with tryCatch
const safeTask = Task.tryCatch(
() => fetch("/data").then((res) => res.json()),
(error) => ({ error: true, message: error.message })

Supported Operators

The Task abstraction provides several operators for working with asynchronous computations:

  • <$>: Alias for map. Transforms the result of a Task.
  • <*>: Alias for apply. Applies a Task containing a function to a Task containing a value.
  • >>=: Alias for flatMap. Chains computations that return new Task instances.

For detailed usage, see API Methods.

API Methods


Task.from<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Task<T>

Creates a Task from a promise-returning function.

const fetchTask = Task.from(() => fetch("/data").then((res) => res.json()))


Task.pack<T>(value: T): Task<T>

Creates a Task that resolves immediately with the given value.

Task.pack is a shorthand for Task.from(() => Promise.resolve(value)). It provides a quick way to lift a value into a Task for immediate resolution.

const valueTask = Task.pack(42)
// Equivalent to:
const equivalentTask = Task.from(() => Promise.resolve(42)) // Outputs: 42


Task.tryCatch<T>(fn: () => T | Promise<T>, onError: (error: any) => T | Promise<T>): Task<T>

Creates a Task that handles errors using a recovery function.

const safeTask = Task.tryCatch(
() => fetch("/data").then((res) => res.json()),
(error) => ({ error: true, message: error.message })


Task.tryTask<T>(fn: () => T | Promise<T>): Task<T>

Creates a Task that propagates any errors that occur.

const riskyTask = Task.tryTask(() => {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) throw new Error("Random error")
return "Success"


map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): Task<U>

Transforms the result of a Task using the provided function.

Alias: <$>

const task = Task.pack(10)
const transformed = task["<$>"]((x) => x * 2) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const transformed = => x * 2) // Outputs: 20


flatMap<U>(fn: (value: T) => Task<U>): Task<U>

Chains another Task based on the result of this Task and flattens the result.

Alias: >>=

const fetchTask = Task.pack(10)
const chainTask = fetchTask[">>="]((x) => Task.pack(x * 2)) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const chainTask = fetchTask.flatMap((x) => Task.pack(x * 2)) // Outputs: 20


apply<U, V>(this: Task<(value: U) => V>, taskValue: Task<U>): Task<V>

Applies a Task containing a function to a Task containing a value and returns a new Task.

Alias: <*>

const taskFn = Task.pack((x: number) => x * 2)
const taskValue = Task.pack(10)
const resultTask = taskFn["<*>"](taskValue) // Outputs: 20
// Method call
const resultTask = taskFn.apply(taskValue) // Outputs: 20


run(): Promise<T>

Executes the asynchronous computation and returns a Promise resolving with the result.

const task = Task.pack(42) // Outputs: 42

Helper Methods


Task.isTask(value: any): boolean

Checks if a given value is a Task.

const task = Task.pack(42)
console.log(Task.isTask(task)) // Outputs: true
console.log(Task.isTask(42)) // Outputs: false

Use Cases

Transforming Asynchronous Results

Transform the result of an asynchronous computation:

const task = Task.pack(10)
["<$>"]((x) => x * 2)
["<$>"]((x) => x + 5) // Outputs: 25

This demonstrates how to:

  1. Use Task.pack to wrap an initial value.
  2. Apply successive transformations to the value using ["<$>"].

Error Recovery

Handle errors with recovery logic:

const task = Task.tryCatch(
() => {
throw new Error("Oops!") // Simulate an exception
(error) => `Recovered from: ${error.message}` // Recovery logic
) // Outputs: Recovered from: Oops!

This demonstrates how to:

  1. Use Task.tryCatch to execute a computation that might fail.
  2. Provide a fallback recovery function to handle errors gracefully.

Chaining Asynchronous Computations

Chain multiple asynchronous operations, starting from a context value using Task.pack:

const fetchUser = (id: number): Task<{ id: number; name: string }> =>
() =>
fetch(`/user/${id}`).then((res) => {
if (!res.ok) throw new Error("User not found")
return res.json()
(error) => ({ id: -1, name: `Error: ${error.message}` })
const fetchOrders = (userId: number): Task<{ orders: string[] }> =>
() =>
fetch(`/orders?userId=${userId}`).then((res) => {
if (!res.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch orders")
return res.json()
() => ({ orders: [] }) // Fallback: Return an empty order list
const userTask = Task.pack(1) // Start with a user ID
[">>="](fetchUser) // Fetch user details
[">>="]((user) => fetchOrders( // Fetch orders for the user

This demonstrates how to:

  1. Start with a context value using Task.pack.
  2. Chain asynchronous operations using ["">>="] to handle sequential dependencies.
  3. Use Task.tryCatch to ensure resilience in each step.

Running Parallel Asynchronous Tasks

Execute multiple asynchronous operations in parallel and combine their results:

const fetchUsers = Task.from<User[]>(() =>
fetch("/users").then((res) => res.json())
const fetchPosts = Task.from<Post[]>(() =>
fetch("/posts").then((res) => res.json())
const combinedTask = Task.pack((users: User[]) => (posts: Post[]) => ({

This demonstrates how to:

  1. Use Task.from to encapsulate multiple asynchronous operations.
  2. Combine the results of parallel computations using ["<*>"].
  3. Run the resulting Task to execute all operations concurrently and retrieve the combined results.

Why Use Task?

The Task abstraction provides a powerful framework for managing asynchronous workflows. Its composable interface simplifies error handling, transformation, and chaining, making it an essential tool for modern JavaScript applications.

Next Steps

Explore other abstractions in F-Box:

  • Box: A foundational abstraction for encapsulating values.
  • RBox: A reactive extension of Box.
  • Maybe: Represents optional values.
  • Either: Represents computations with success or failure.